Schlagwort: ecology

  • snsf: nrp80 grant proposal „covid-19 in society“

    snsf: nrp80 grant proposal „covid-19 in society“

    Learning Cities. Past and Future of Urban Planning and Design After Pandemics. In cities, pandemics spread out and reveal fragilities in the way human society is organised. Hence, the focus on cities as pandemic centres reveals not only the link between density and pandemics , but also the challenge faced by urbanised territories in tackling…

  • exhibition: energy landscape (fribourg)

    exhibition: energy landscape (fribourg)

    Follow-up exhibition of „The City as Energy Landscape“ at HEIA Fribourg in March 2022 The small exhibition promotes the notion of ‘energy landscape’ as a conceptual framework to challenge our current understanding of energy as a cheap and abundant source for architecture. It presents ideas for designing the energy landscapes of the future, taking the…

  • seminar: the city as energy landscape

    seminar: the city as energy landscape

    Seminar and public lecture series at Accademia di architettura Mendrisio, SS2021. This lecture series promotes the notion of ‘energy landscape’ as a conceptual  framework to challenge our current understanding of energy as a cheap  and abundant resource for architecture. It presents concepts and methods for designing the energy landscapes of the future.

  • exhibition: gebäude.grün – vom blumenfenster zum bosco verticale

    exhibition: gebäude.grün – vom blumenfenster zum bosco verticale

    Contribution to the gebäude.grün exhibition at Architekturforum Zurich 21.3-17.05.2019. Terraced housing: stacked gardens in the Bühnenberg quarter in Oftringen. The photos of the model (unfortunately lost) show it impressively: the harmony of landscape and architecture. This is not unusual, since many architects focus on the mural rather than the floral terrace form. In Atelier 5’s…

  • seminar: the city as energy landscape

    seminar: the city as energy landscape

    Seminar in the series „to modernize or to ecologize?“ at Accademia di architettura Mendrisio, SS 2019. In cities nature and technology are increasingly intertwined; historian Thomas Hughes speaks of the “overlapping natural and human-built systems found in cities”. In this seminar, we investigated strategies of integrating natural forces in the city by conceiving of the…